Accelerate Automotive Collaboration using Interconnected Virtual Embedded Development Targets on AWS

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The development of modern vehicles requires extensive collaboration between automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and their multi-tiered supplier network. During the integration phase, an OEM and its supplier tiers verify that all components fit with one another and satisfy the OEM’s requirements. This phase is mostly performed towards the end of the vehicle development lifecycle and is marred by dependencies on hardware and software development lifecycles, late detection of defects and cost overruns. This leads to delays in OEM vehicle’s start of production (SOP).

In this blog, we showcase an architecture featuring two virtual components in the form of Amazon Machine Images (AMI) from different AWS Partners and customers which are available through the AWS Marketplace, namely Panasonic Automotive vSkipGen and ETAS RTA-VRTE StarterKit. The first benefit of the architecture is that issues related to software, communication and component interfaces are identified and fixed earlier in the in-vehicle software development lifecycle by the OEM when performing integration of virtual components in the cloud. This avoids costly rework later. Second, suppliers can enable continuous integration and continuous testing without revealing their respective intellectual property (IP), bringing automation in the verification and validation phases without exposing source code nor data. Third, AWS’s pay-as-you-go model helps customers reduce upfront capital expenditure on expensive hardware targets (early hardware samples), by introducing on-demand provisioning of the virtualized hardware equivalent. Ultimately, virtualization of components and their secure interconnectivity helps enable improved collaboration and accelerate vehicle (software) development.