Upgrade MySQL 5.7 to 8.0

Hallo, I wanted to upgrade MySQL according to the CPanel instructions in preparation for switching from CentOs to AlmaLinux. The upgrade checker when upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0 shows the following result: Errors: 3 ShareTweetPostPin It!

cpanel restoration error

cpanel restoration error Warning (“MysqlBase::_do_cpanel_mysql_with_newuser_privs”, line 599): Error from MySQL query XID s48fmk) The system received an error from the “MySQL” database “mysql”: 1410 (You are not allowed to create a user with GRANT): ShareTweetPostPin It!

Mysql 5.7 deprecation plan

Hello, i am currently running Mysql 5.7 on cpanel/whm v110.0.7. I host a couple of websites and i am not sure they ensure 100% compatibility with Mysql 8. ShareTweetPostPin It!

routin changing

Hello, i have a question, is it safe to change routin for specific database like as CREATE DEFINER=`cpanelusername`@`localhost` ShareTweetPostPin It!