How to Choose a CMS Platform for Marketing 

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Every business needs a marketing engine. Otherwise, how would customers and clients even know that you exist? While word-of-mouth and referrals will always be a reliable source of new business, a more proactive marketing strategy is what separates fast-growing businesses from businesses that barely grow at all. Your business needs an effective marketing Content Management System (CMS).

In the current global climate, more and more marketing initiatives are taking place online. True, there are still billboards on the interstate and ads on the radio, but a proper digital marketing strategy is critical. Most prospects will visit a website before choosing to patronize a business. Existing customers will revisit a website to make repeat purchases.

At the core of any web presence is the CMS that powers the website itself. Some businesses need a simple website that shows their location, phone number, and service offerings. Some businesses need a website that can tie into Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or inventory systems. No two business needs are the same when it comes to the corporate website, so it’s a good thing that there is a myriad of choices available for choosing a marketing CMS.