Find DigitalOcean at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2022

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We’re thrilled to meet up with technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2022. This year, DigitalOcean will join talented individuals across industries to share how cloud native tech can speed up development while lowering overall costs. 

We’d love to meet you there! On Monday, May 16, our Cloud Native Developer Advocate, Kim Schlesinger, will be on-site at the Data on Kubernetes Day, an event running from 8:45 – 17:30 CET. DigitalOcean is proud to sponsor the DoK Community, and Kim will have plenty of DigitalOcean swag to give away, so come say hello and grab some Sammy swag. All DoK Day talks will be live-streamed if you can’t attend in person. 

On Thursday, May 19, from 11:00 – 12:30 CET,  you’ll find Kim facilitating GitOps to Automate the Setup, Management, and Extension of a Kubernetes Cluster. Join the workshop and learn how to set up a GitOps pipeline with Terraform, FluxCD, and Crossplane to manage a Kubernetes cluster.