April 2023 Web Server Survey

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In the April 2023 survey we received responses from 1,115,422,029 sites across 272,511,659 domains and 12,089,407 web-facing computers. This reflects a gain of 3.2 million domains but a loss of 596,923 sites and 16,775 web-facing computers.

nginx experienced large growth for both sites and domains this month. In our April survey, we saw 292.5 million sites running nginx, an increase of 3.0 million since March (+1.04%), and 74.2 million domains, an increase of 1.6 million (+2.23%). It now accounts for 26.23% of sites (+0.28pp) and 27.25% of domains (+0.27pp).

LiteSpeed had the largest loss by sites, dropping down to 56.2 million sites (-5.43%). This takes its share of sites to 5.04% from 5.33% (-0.29pp). Despite this, its number of domains increased, reaching 9.4 million (+1.43%).