How Lunar Energy is using AWS to create a customer-led energy system

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Lunar Energy (Lunar) has a mission to power homes around the world with endless clean energy. Recognizing the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change, Lunar is focused on building the digital infrastructure needed to build a resilient, distributed energy system. As homes electrify by adding distributed energy resources (DERs)—such as solar panels, batteries, and electric vehicles—they reduce their emissions. By optimizing the schedule on which those connected devices use and generate electricity, virtual power plants (VPPs), made up of millions of homes, can play a role in keeping the power grid clean and stable. Being able to intelligently manage consumer demand as a balance against fluctuations in renewable generation means that the grid can remain even and uncongested as it decarbonizes, driving down cost and emissions for the system as a whole—and without the need for peaker plants that use gas.

Lunar’s Gridshare platform is a cloud-based home energy management system (HEMS) and VPP service that connects to third-party DERs and optimizes them to simultaneously deliver value for customers and the grid. Lunar is also building a residential battery system that combines best-in-class hardware, ease of installation, and a superlative customer experience with best-in-class VPP software. Homes can not only generate their own virtually endless clean energy, but they can also share it with the grid for a cheaper, cleaner system that also benefits neighbors who don’t have DERs.