Generative AI-Powered Clinical Intelligence: Safely Driving Better Outcomes

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Healthcare organizations face immense challenges in gaining insights from the vast amounts of unstructured patient data they collect, since about 80% of medical data remains unstructured and unused after it is created (Kong, 2019, NIH). Clinical notes written by doctors and nurses are a prime example; they contain a wealth of information about patient conditions, treatments, and outcomes, but this data is in free-form text that is difficult to analyze.

AI21 Labs’ Contextual Answers technology available on Amazon SageMaker JumpStart offers a secure solution to unlock insights from clinical notes while protecting sensitive patient information. Contextual Answers uses a retrieval-augmented generation approach while adhering to strict guardrails on information usage which reduces the risk that the generated response will be confidently wrong (called hallucination). This blog post shows how you can use AI21 Lab’s Contextual Answers to securely answer questions about clinical notes.