How much to charge for website maintenance

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Key pointsWebsite maintenance activities ensure that the website continues to perform optimally.Some examples of maintenance activities include hosting and domain renewals, backups, application and content updates, tracking and security monitoring, server maintenance, search engine optimization, and technical support.Website maintenance is important to keep speed and performance at maximum, ensure the site is secure and stays relevant, promote business goals, and protect the company’s reputation.How much to charge for website maintenance depends on the service being offered.Some factors to consider when calculating prices include your costs, both the type of hosting and the type of website being maintained, and the scope of the maintenance being performed, how often it’s being done, and how long it takes.Liquid Web’s Partner+ Program can help boost your earning potential by taking some of work of your hands, allowing you to offer more without having to hire additional people.

Anyone who runs a good website knows creating and hosting it is only one part of the equation. After all, websites require ongoing maintenance. As an agency, you’ll need to assist your clients with website maintenance, especially when they know how crucial the process is.