Unify DNS management using Amazon Route 53 Profiles with multiple VPCs and AWS accounts

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If you are managing lots of accounts and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) resources, sharing and then associating many DNS resources to each VPC can present a significant burden. You often hit limits around sharing and association, and you may have gone as far as building your own orchestration layers to propagate DNS configuration across your accounts and VPCs.

Today, I’m happy to announce Amazon Route 53 Profiles, which provide the ability to unify management of DNS across all of your organization’s accounts and VPCs. Route 53 Profiles let you define a standard DNS configuration, including Route 53 private hosted zone (PHZ) associations, Resolver forwarding rules, and Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall rule groups, and apply that configuration to multiple VPCs in the same AWS Region. With Profiles, you have an easy way to ensure all of your VPCs have the same DNS configuration without the complexity of handling separate Route 53 resources. Managing DNS across many VPCs is now as simple as managing those same settings for a single VPC.