Recap of AWS re:Invent 2023 for the Automotive and Manufacturing Industry

As we reflect on the impactful events of Amazon Web Services (AWS) re:Invent 2023, it’s clear that this year’s conference, which took place in Las Vegas, Nevada, was a nexus of innovation and forward-thinking, especially for the automotive and manufacturing Continue reading Recap of AWS re:Invent 2023 for the Automotive and Manufacturing Industry

Improving Reliability and Performance for Teleoperations for Autonomous Driving Vehicles on AWS

The rapid advancement of autonomous driving technology is transforming the automotive industry, leading to improved safety, efficiency, and convenience. As self-driving vehicles evolve, automakers must address several challenges to ensure their widespread adoption. Among these challenges, reliable, secure, and low-latency Continue reading Improving Reliability and Performance for Teleoperations for Autonomous Driving Vehicles on AWS