Democratize Omics Data Analysis with Basepair on AWS HealthOmics

Introduction Advancements in next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology have created new opportunities for omics data analysis, unlocking valuable insights for precision medicine, clinical diagnostics, and drug discovery. To keep pace with this high-throughput technology and handle the fluctuations in data volume, Continue reading Democratize Omics Data Analysis with Basepair on AWS HealthOmics

Store omics data cost effectively at any scale with AWS HealthOmics

AWS HealthOmics is a managed service designed to help healthcare and life sciences organizations manage genomic and transcriptomic datasets cost-effectively. By automating metadata management, compression, and storage class tiering, HealthOmics frees up researchers to focus on analyzing omics data instead Continue reading Store omics data cost effectively at any scale with AWS HealthOmics