Transfer tool error from WHM 110(Redhat Enterprise Linux V7.9 OS based) to WHM 114 (Almalinux 9 OS based)

Hello community! I’m trying to transfer account from my old cPanel to new one. The old is running Red hat Enterprise Linux V7.9 and WHM v110.0.12, the new one is Alma Linux v9.2 and WHM v114.0.7. I’m trying to transfer Continue reading Transfer tool error from WHM 110(Redhat Enterprise Linux V7.9 OS based) to WHM 114 (Almalinux 9 OS based)

Webuzo to cPanel Import

I have been noticing for some time, many migration requests are coming from webuzo. But I can’t find any automation tool for migrate it from Webuzo to cPanel. Is there any tool to do it? ShareTweetPostPin It!

Transfer Tool and Config Server

I would appreciate some clarification on enabling ports for the Transfer Tool. I have placed ports 22 and 2087 in Config Server’s CC_Allow_Ports_TCP for CA and US only. However, that is preventing the Transfer Tool from connecting… ShareTweetPostPin It!