Nielsen empowers agencies with Advanced Audience media planning and measurement on AWS Clean Rooms

With the changing landscape of loss in signal addressability and with companies prioritizing consumer privacy, data protection, and data control, Nielsen is using privacy-enhancing technology on Amazon Web Services (AWS) like AWS Clean Rooms—a service that helps you collaborate with Continue reading Nielsen empowers agencies with Advanced Audience media planning and measurement on AWS Clean Rooms

WordPress Load Balancing — What Is it, How It Works and how to set it up?

Let me guess—you’re here because your WordPress site is getting more traffic than your server can handle. If that’s the case, you need a load balancer to distribute network traffic across multiple backend servers. And hosts like Cloudways Autonomous use Continue reading WordPress Load Balancing — What Is it, How It Works and how to set it up?

Chinese Hackers Exploit Firewall Vulnerability to Deploy ‘Coathanger’ Malware

Chinese hackers breached 20,000 Fortinet FortiGate systems worldwide in 2022 and 2023, using this access to target Western governments and private defense companies in a scheme described as “much more extensive than previously known.” FortiGate is Fortinet’s firewall and network Continue reading Chinese Hackers Exploit Firewall Vulnerability to Deploy ‘Coathanger’ Malware