Application replatforming: Enhancing efficiency and reducing costs

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Key pointsApplication replatforming involves migrating applications from outdated or insufficient systems to cloud environments. This process focuses on enhancing performance and reducing maintenance costs without altering the application’s core functionality.Companies choose to replatform to leverage newer technologies, handle increased workloads more efficiently, and integrate modern technologies like AI, ML, and IoT more easily.The three primary cloud migration strategies are rehosting (“lift-and-shift”), refactoring (rewriting or restructuring for the cloud), and replatforming (adjusting without core changes). Replatforming is a balanced approach that improves performance and cost-efficiency without extensive modifications.Partnering with a reliable managed hosting provider like Liquid Web can mitigate challenges by offering expertise in cloud infrastructure, ongoing support, and best practices for migration.

As an online business aiming to maintain a competitive edge, ensuring that your application keeps pace with industry advancements and meets users’ growing demands presents a significant challenge.