IDE extension for AWS Application Composer enhances visual modern applications development with AI-generated IaC

Today, I’m happy to share the integrated development environment (IDE) extension for AWS Application Composer. Now you can use AWS Application Composer directly in your IDE to visually build modern applications and iteratively develop your infrastructure as code templates with Continue reading IDE extension for AWS Application Composer enhances visual modern applications development with AI-generated IaC

Capture clickstream data using AWS serverless services

Clickstream data refers to the collection of digital interactions that occur between a user and a website or mobile application. Capturing and creating usable insights from user data in real-time can be challenging. Amazon Web Services (AWS) serverless services can Continue reading Capture clickstream data using AWS serverless services

How organizations are modernizing for cloud operations

Over the past decade, we’ve seen a rapid evolution in how IT operations teams and application developers work together. In the early days, there was a clear division of responsibilities between the two teams, with one team focused on providing Continue reading How organizations are modernizing for cloud operations