Accelerate your visual quality inspection at the edge with AWS and SoftServe

In the high-stakes arena of manufacturing, where product quality can make or break market reputation, using visual intelligence effectively remains the linchpin of excellence. Visual intelligence, in this context, refers to the application of artificial intelligence (AI) precision to enhance Continue reading Accelerate your visual quality inspection at the edge with AWS and SoftServe

Intelligent rig operations classification with HITL on AWS

In the oil and gas industry, rig reports are essential for monitoring the performance and operations of drilling rigs. These reports contain a vast amount of unstructured data, including comments from rig personnel regarding rig activities such as drilling progress, Continue reading Intelligent rig operations classification with HITL on AWS

Future-proof Your AI at the Edge with AWS

In the rapidly evolving field of IoT in manufacturing and transportation domains, machine learning features create significant value. By utilizing machine learning at the edge, manufacturers can gather insights faster, identify trends, identify patterns, and detect anomalies, all resulting in Continue reading Future-proof Your AI at the Edge with AWS