Intelligent rig operations classification with HITL on AWS

In the oil and gas industry, rig reports are essential for monitoring the performance and operations of drilling rigs. These reports contain a vast amount of unstructured data, including comments from rig personnel regarding rig activities such as drilling progress, Continue reading Intelligent rig operations classification with HITL on AWS

New for Amazon Comprehend – Toxicity Detection

With Amazon Comprehend, you can extract insights from text without being a machine learning expert. Using its built-in models, Comprehend can analyze the syntax of your input documents and find entities, events, key phrases, personally identifiable information (PII), and the Continue reading New for Amazon Comprehend – Toxicity Detection

Top 5 ways artificial intelligence and machine learning are changing retail

The retail industry is facing numerous challenges in today’s dynamic landscape that are forcing them to rethink their strategies. Retailers must keep up with technological advancements, such as generative AI, artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) and ecommerce platforms, to Continue reading Top 5 ways artificial intelligence and machine learning are changing retail

How does Cloud enable the transformation of Bank finance functions?

Bank CFOs are transforming their finance functions from both an operations and technology perspective, innovating to simplify their organisational model, increase efficiency and deepen the insight they provide to stakeholders. Cloud technology is enabling these changes by providing a new Continue reading How does Cloud enable the transformation of Bank finance functions?