AWS re:Invent recap: A transformative year for travel and hospitality

AWS re:Invent 2023 made history for travel and hospitality at Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS launched over 100 new services, features, instances, and AWS Region expansions. Many of these technological advances will help the travel and hospitality (T&H) industry enhance Continue reading AWS re:Invent recap: A transformative year for travel and hospitality

Track customer traffic in aisles and cash counters using Computer Vision

The retail industry has changed dramatically over the last couple of decades. From small shops to large retail chains of stores. The rise of ecommerce, use of digital promotions and targeted marketing are just some examples where technology has contributed Continue reading Track customer traffic in aisles and cash counters using Computer Vision

The Retail Race: A Roadmap for Implementing a Smart Store Strategy

Retailers have always been in a race to deliver an exceptional customer experience, and in the digital age, that race has only become more intense—particularly in physical stores. With consumers shopping again at brick-and-mortar stores, some key trends have emerged: Continue reading The Retail Race: A Roadmap for Implementing a Smart Store Strategy